To see a list of the Garden Rooms click here. And here to see the PLANTS LIST in the garden rooms. I hope to be finished these plant lists sometime in 2024. But, of course, there will constantly be changes to the plants.
Page 20: More of the paths and plants in the cutting garden. The maltese cross (lychnis chalcedonia) plants are in the back of the cutting garden. Across the stone pavers path from these plants is the 5 foot strip with a border of the rail road ties between my garden and the nefarious neighbors. At the top of the strip is the cedar hedge, the rosemary and tall bearded irises. There are chives, a pot with garlic and onion chives, the chair on its newly renovated platform, with the compost bin behind it. The chair is next to the English oak tree, and on the other side of the chair is the French lilac, autumn crocus and the strip ends at the entry to the pond.

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uploaded August 30, 2023

Photo album created by M. M. Meehan

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