To see a list of the Garden Rooms click here. And here to see the PLANTS LIST in the garden rooms. I hope to be finished these plant lists sometime in 2024. But, of course, there will constantly be changes to the plants.
Page 21: We see the ancient lawn mover as a garden artifact, an overview of the cutting garden room. The deck has the clematis climbing up the edge of the deck, the water feature with a miniature yellow water lily, a gold fish or two, the globe flower, the tall white pot with the honeysuckle vine in bloom, the saxifrages before transplanting to the rock gardens, and a few of the potted plants. I try to have parsley, basil, garlic chives and tarragon in the pots, with a lettuce pot in the shade. This month a racoon has been in the water tub, dumped over the irisis and caught one of the gold fish. I scrubbed out the tub removing Elvis to the big black pot for the duration, then put Elvis, the irises and 2 new gold fish into the water feature. The racoon again got into the tub and tipped over the irises and the 3 fish were gone. The water lily has one little torn leaf. The next day I put the new water clover, and water hycinth, and some pieces of the under water plants into the tub. While cleaning out the pond, I caught one of the 2 new goldfish that I had put into the pond, and put it into the water tub. (June 8, 2023) I then fashioned a cover of two black plastic trays fastened with duct tape over the top of the tub. Pat has replaced this cover with a piece of wire fashioned to fit. Also found that this water clover that has been on my wish list is on the Washington state invasive species list. I have thrown out this invasive plant. I wish the nurseries would not sell these invasive plants to us unsuspecting gardeners.
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uploaded August 30, 2023
Photo album created by M. M. Meehan
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