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The water garden has changed over the years. There will be pages for the original album and a few for the newer additions and changes to the pond and tubs
Here are some water volume comparisons: 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 8 pints = 128 fluid ounces = 231 cubic inches 1 liter = 0.2642 gallons = 1.0568 quart = 61.02 cubic inches 1 million gallons = 3.069 acre-feet = 133,685.64 cubic
I have 3 water features in my garden. There is the 8' x 9' x 2.5' pond with waterfall in the back, the half barrel tub in the front,(now moved to the woodland area) and the tub on the deck. The pump in the pond runs the waterfall all year. There are a few fish in each water feature, and edging plants surrounding them, with deep water plants, marginal plants and the oxygenating plants (that is the ones that are always under water). Each water garden is a pleasure and well worth the time it takes to create and keep up.
Page 1 shows photos of the deck tub with reflections, fish, and the minature yellow lily; as well as some of the original edging and plants in the waterfall area.

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Recreated and upload December 30, 2020

Photo album created by M. M. Meehan

Photo album created with Web Album Generator