Gardening has been a hobby, passion and
almost a basic need of my existance for as long as I can
remember. Hope you enjoy a stroll through my garden.
Photography has been a means of recording
my garden, my travel experiences and more recently an
attempt to learn all aspects of making good pictures and
explore more artistic expressions of my hobbies and
surroundings. Hope you enjoy my creative attempts and
documentary shots and return to see if I am making any
progress. In early 2015 I traded my Hasselblad and Canon Elan 7E to Kerrisdale Cameras, and so removed any links to albums that will not be created.
My husband and I have
been taking trips every year for more years than I care to count. At first we
had 2 - 3 weeks per year of holidays from our places of
employment. More recently we have more time and so travel
more. We have been to Europe several times, as well as
trips in Canada and the US. We spend time on tours with
the old car clubs and exploring Canada in our camper van.
Care to join us?
I am fortunate to live
in a beautiful, small city, Victoria, B.C. with a wonderful moderate climate.
Victoria is on Vancouver Island off the west coast of
Canada. We have unique architecture, seascapes and
moutain views. To record some of these treasures with my
camera is my latest endeavor. Our city is constantly
changing and growing. I hope to record a few of the
interesting nooks and crannies in town and up and down
the pennisula.
I will be adding links
to sites that pertain to each of my hobbies on the
appropriate page, with a summary page of all the links.
I hope I have not forgotten anyone. Please contact me if
you would like to be mentioned. See the links summary
My latest madness
(since 1999) has been playing on my computer. There is
sooooo much to learn. I am recording some of my small
triumphs on this infernal machine in my blog.
Please feel free to comment on my blog. When I find time
I like to read, also, but this pass time is suffering
badly from lack of time. I may need a sabbatical from my
In January, 2015 the owners of the Guestbook I was using decided to shut down their business. I have have found a new Guestbook. Click on the link to open the book, add your comment. The comments are moderated so do not appear until I have added them. Thanks for the visit.
My page will be under construction for
quite a while, as I have numerous albums yet to be
completed. I have created 'under construction' pages for the unfinished albums, as a sample of what is in the album.
Progress Report:
As at April 16, 2007: Update on Feb.12, 2010: update on May 17, 2013: Update on March 1, 2014: Update on March 1, 2017: Update on May 1, 2019: under Gardening as at May, 2017 I have completed the albums January, February, March and June to December and the Water garden sub page with 3 albums. The garden paths and garden art album is finished with large pictures. Click F11 to see them in full screen. Click F11 again to get back to normal view. In 2014 I added 3 pages to show the changes in the garden over the years. under Photography I have finished the series: Chastity, Homework, Lambs, Long Beach, Waves, Raven Affair, Richards Rust, and Star Trek.under Travel I have completed the albums from Pre 1989 to 2005 inclusive. I have finished the Lady Rose, Genoa Bay, Uchuck II and Haida Gwai. As May 2019 I have added pages to Travel, including the Car Stuff. The albums for travel with the camper vans will be noted on each page of the Van used. The Car Stuff includes pages with albums for the events for each of the vehicles used. My page is constantly growing more and more under construction albums. under My Town there are no albums finished at this time, but I have finished the sub-page "my walk'.
I have created the sub pages: Progress Report ....... My Walk ....... Water & Japanese Garden ....... Series ....... Car Club Events
I have created the Poetry Page
In January, 2010 I created the Creations Page This page features some of the things I have made with html, slideshow makers (Powerpoints), movie makers, and photo editors.
In February, 2017 I created the .pdfs page I have learned a little bit about making .pdfs with Office and Adobe's editors; and added this page to my web site.
March 2017 - Malware on my web page. Had to buy Sitelock for 3 years and pay to have it cleaned up. And now have been spending hoards of time getting the albums back in order. I will be re-doing some of them that look just plain crappy.. like January to May, inclusive. June, July, August, September are good, and the Water Garden page, and Paths and Garden Art are good. As at May, 2019, January. February, March,June, July, August, September, October, November and December are Finished.
The only ones I have done on Photography pages are the 8 little series albums, including Long Beach.
On the Travel page I have finished fixing all of the previously made albums, as at September 22, 2017.
I have got carried away on making the Travel Logue page and doing up Travel Journal Text pages for the albums where I have no information on the photo album pages. I find I can see the Photoshop albums pages and edit with notepad. Then reload them with Godaddy FTP - one file at a time to their proper place. Its good to get the pages cleaned up and the malware gone. I am leaving the above list of albums finished as a marker of what albums need to be redone.
September 22, 2017 - Adam from Godaddy has removed SiteLock and replaced it with GoDaddy's Web Security and now my SSL certificate and the whole site is working. Adam will be doing all of this Web Security and SSL stuff for me from now on. Chrome and Firefox block the music script on my page as it seems to be a security risk. I can make Chrome allow the script to run if I want to listen to my music. I suppose anyone else could too, if they wanted to listen to the music, or even noticed it. As at May 2019 I have the music on all the pages working again. In November 2019 Godaddy moved to new servers and I did some adjustments to my hosting. The music code I had on my page no longer worked and so I have added links to the music on my pages. To return to the web page from the link, use the browser back button. I hope to eventually make a real playlist.
At the end of September, 2020 I am transfering my hosting space and domains to Trevor and Luke. As we are in the midst of getting this done, right now, there will be more later.
March 27, 2024: I have recreated ALL the previous photo albums on the site. They were all made with adobe photoshop. I now use a little album editor where I do a lot of the simple coding. I upload them to Computers on Wheels (Trevor) servers with FileZilla FTP provided by Trevor. Some of the albums have grown in size. And there has been many new pages added, especially to gardening. The travel page, also has grown with the addition of the Cars stuff. Please see the Progress page for the updates. Scroll to the bottom after the 2020 changes.
This is an old
fashioned page authored by an old fashioned girl. Hope
you enjoy it.