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List of Plants in each Garden Room

The lists of Plants in each Garden Room are under construction. I hope to have some information on the names and how to grow and maintain each plant. The lists may include some surrounding area; such as hedges, roses, pathways, garden art, apple tree, etc.

The Front Entry Garden Room

The photo album for The Front Entry Garden Room

The Magnolia Tree Garden Room where the Trilliums grow.

The photo album The Magnolia Tree Garden Room where the Trilliums grow.

The Inner Garden Room, including The Sun Dial Circle, Thyme Circle and Center Garden

The photo album for The Inner Garden Room, including The Sun Dial Circle, Thyme Circle and Center Garden

The Smoke Tree Garden Room that is part of the Inner Garden Room

The photo album for the The Smoke Tree Garden Room that is part of the Inner Garden Room

The Front Garden Rock and Alpines

The photo album for The Front Garden Rock and Alpines

The Boulevard Garden

The photo album for The Boulevard Garden

The Strip between the Driveways

The photo album for The Strip between the Driveways

The Woodland Garden Room

The photo album for The Woodland Garden

The Fig Tree Bed, including the bed next to the old sidewalk, in the back garden

The photo album for The Fig Tree Bed, including the bed next to the old sidewalk, in the back garden

The Japanese and Moss Garden Room

The Japanese and Moss Garden photo album

The pond and surrounds Garden Room

The photo album of the The pond and surrounds Garden Room

The plants in the pond Room (note: This is a list page for the plants in the pond)

The photo album for The plants in the pond Room

Water gardening list page for the Larix Landscaping pond. (note: I had Larix Landscaping rebuild the waterfall, pond and surrounds after the pond sprang a leak in November and December of 2024.)

The photo album for the Larix Landscaping rebuild of the waterfall, pond surrounds and the pond in January 2025.

The Back Garden Rock and Alpines

The photo album for The Back Garden Rock and Alpines

The Cutting Garden including vegetables, herbs

The Cutting Garden Room photo album

The deck and patio plants, including some of the plants also listed in the Moss and Water Garden Room

The photo album for The deck and patio plants, including some of the plants also listed in the Moss and Water Garden Room

The Fish Pond Note: this is a new water page, not a list page

Pond Plants Note: this is the list page for the Plants in the Pond and the deck tub.

The photo album for the Pond Plants

The Light garden and Orchids

The photo album for The Light garden and Orchids



Starting March 11, 2014

Garden purchases in 2014

Plant, dirt, pots etc. (except orchids)
11-Mar-14 - Cannor Nursery. $89.91 plus tax for total of $97.80
Hosta Sugar Daddy,
Dicentra (Bleeding Heart),
perennial cyclamen (was a house variety)
Plastic tags @.10 each, assorted pots and trays,
2 bags of really good orchid media - has medium fir bark, coarse perlite,
charcoal, chunky peat or sphagnum moss
Parsley, Basil, Dill seed @ $1.89 each.

April 19, 2014 - Cannor - Plant labels (50),
yellow hollyhock,
echinacea Magnus,
lily of the valley (convallaria),
Epimedium Sulphureum,
a tomato,
3 small heliotrope,
25 bulbs of Liatris spicata Blazing Star which have roots and shoots.
They were half price and I got an easter egg treat that got me another 20%
off all my stuff, as well as the saving on my Cannor membership.
Then the dirt: 3 - 30L bags of topsoil,
3 - 40 L of organic topsoil,
and 2 bags of washed sand.
After $43.32 savings it came to a total of $90.99
big plastic pot of bone meal ($16.87 that I saved $8.12 on).
Liatris want full sun. Lily of the valley and Epimedium are woodland.

Brentwood Nurseries
May 23, 2014

Parsley 1.99
little brachycome (blue daisy) 1.99
tropical orchid in bloom Coelogyne Cristata White 3.95
3 perennials at 3.69 .... red columbine,
little moss like thing, a heliotrop........ $21.28
Probably missed recording some stuff in here, that I purchased at Cannor
mostly dirt.
There was the 6 black plastic stepping stones,
more top soil and 2 or 3 manure, as well as potting soil.
There were a few perennials: another hollyhock, another balloon flower,
a house cyclamen that I have put outside, mesculin mix, -
not sure of the cost.
calceolaria biflora gold cap (in front little rockery) yellow button flower
seems it wants moist although it is doing fine.

Sept. 4, 2014 -

3 bags of sea soil @ $18.00 for 3, 2 bags of pea gravel,
Snowdrop Double - Flore Pleno (Galanthus - Perce de Neiges)
5 Hyacinths - King of the Blues
Dutch Iris, Spring Mix (10),
Fringed Tulips - Curley Sue (6),
Anemone St.Brigid - double windflower-mixed colors (10),
Crocus Large Flowering Mixed Colors (10). I expect to plant them all
in the back garden.. perhaps under the arbutus tree that Pat is slowly
taking out, they should come into bloom before the fig tree leafs out.
$75.26 after tax and my discount.

Oct 20/14- Country Grocer
Gentiana septemfida var. lagodechiana(2021 growing in front gold rockery)
and Primula denticulata each for 1.99
total about $4.00

Garden purchases in 2015

Feb. 08/15 - Country Grocer
a white and pink miniature cattelaya orchid in bloom $14.00

Mar 15/15
$25 Sederia japonica. Small plant in buds and it will be fragrant.
greenish white flowers with red to purple bars on the lip. The 6 to 10
flowers open in succession and are prized for their sweet fragrance.
Paramount Orchids Parksville BC 250 248-7023 at the Orchid show and sale.

April 18/15
VIRAGS plant show and sale
Double bloodroot $12.
2)Epimedium x Versicolor x sulfreum $4.
3)Hepatica seedling $3.
4) Lewisia
5) Anemone Nemarosa
6)primula amethyst $5.00
7) primula striped victorian $4.00
a total of $34 plus $10 donation to get in.

April 11, 2015
Cannor nursery
a small red heather in bloom, pink lily of the valley, a corydalis,
2 small red thyme, an Arabian Night dalia, 6-pkg of lettuce, 6-pkg of spinach, fruit tree spikes,
a chocolat lily (fritillaria) for $41.62

April 30/15
Cannor nursery
Hosta "Abiqua Drinking Gourd" (died) $7.19,
Heliotrope $3.59,
5 perennials @ $3.59 ($17.95)
Lupin The Governor,
Epimedium x youngianum 'roseum'
Aquilegia (Columbine) Cardinal
Scleranthus uniflorus - wants dry sandy soil or gravel,
Lobelia (reddish purple leaves) cardinalis "queen victoria',
red flowers (36 in x 12 in),
2 pkgs of fruit tree fertilizer,
(the nits put them into the bottom of the pot and they got wet,
so will be using 1 pkg on the fruit trees,
the tall decorative pot for $35.99,
10 mushroom manure @$3.59,
2 bags pea gravel @$8.99 (yikes!),
Anemone Sylphide (Pink),
Anemone Lord Lieutenant (blue) at $3.49 and $2.79,
a very nice pair of new garden gloves, about 13.00
Apparently I saved $17.30, the tax total was $13.10, total price: $150.56

June 4/15
A bronze fennel plant from cannor grows in the holly tree bed.

June 7/15 - 3 little gold fish from Pets West $4.33
June 7/15 - 6 solar lights $l.97) Canadian Tire $12.50

Garden purchases in 2016

January 16, 2016
Iceplant (delosperma) and a pale blue polyanthus from
Matticks Farm for $3.15 Sun spinner I think.
Doing well in the little rockery at the back.

Feb 13, 2016 Orchid Show
1) $31.36 Cattleya Wilsmara x Kolishri.
2) $20.00 Lc Secret Love - Hsinying - Victoria Asian Guy
3) $22.00 Phrag Sedenii - Schlimi x longifolium
4) $15.17 Milt. Breathless - 'Beauty'

Feb 24, 2016
2 more bags of orchid mix from Canadian Tire. $22.00

Feb 27, 2016 - Canadian Tire
African Violet soil, Cactus Soil, 3 plastic Pots and trays $45.00

April 9, 2016
VIRAGS plant show and sale
1. P. Lutea. Is suppose to be a Yellow Peony tree. $4.00
2. Erythronium, Fawn Lily white $7.00
3. Small leaf miners lettuce Montia parvifolia $2.00
4. Trienfalis latifolia Star Flower $2.00
5. Hepatica $5.00
6. Geum rivale purple .. tiny $2.00
7. Adiantium Venustum Maiden Hair Fern $3.00
8. Licorice fern $3.00
9. Sword fern $3.00
10. Aubretia.. door prize... donated to get in $5.00
Total to VIRAGS $36.00
11. Echeveria princes from another nursery $4.00
Total : $40.00

April 16, 2016 - Elk Lake Nursery
Androsace Sempervivoides
Gentiana Acaulisand 2 heliotrope $15.07

May 6. 2016
Cannor - 6 shubunkins @3.99 each $26.82

August 16, 2016
Plastic Planter $4.49 and saucer $3.59
4 bags of container soil (50 litres) 4.99 less 6.00 for $53.96
Gloves $ 6.29
Citrus fertilizer $ 8.99
Miracle Grow, all purpose $10.79
Perennials 9 assorted $32.31
Perennial 1 $ 4.49
Aquascape fish food $17.99
Sarassa Comet - 4 - 5 inches 1 $ 8.99
Comet Goldfish 2 - 3 inches 2 $7.48 total: $156.37
Tax PST 5.77
GST 7.82
Total = $169.96
Less Coupon 20.00
Final Total: $149.96
4 bags of dirt to be delivered

Garden purchases in 2017

Orchid Show March 32, 2017
Nepenthes ventricosa $21.65 Pitcher plant
Onc. Twinkle 'Fantasy' $15.00
Plus $7.00 to get in.

Cannor July 3, 2017
3 salvia purple, blue. Astrantia, French lavender, a pink.
And 4 little goldfish @ $2.99 Total of $34.15
Looks like I missed some purchases for this year.

Garden purchases in 2018

VIRAGS show and sale on April 21, 2018
Saxfragia Hybrida (R.M.) $ 4.00
Silver Saxifragia Symons Juene (R,M.) 4.00
Saxifragia apiculata (R.M.?? not sure) 5.00
Saxifragia Stadii (R.M.) 4.00
Saxifragia M.B. (R.M.) 4.00
Saxifragia paniculata from Royal Oak 2.50
Saxifragia in Butchart Gardens cement pot from R. M. Home..$20.00
Another pot from VIRAGS no name. I think it is a primula auricola
Once they've finished flowering, it's a good idea to repot into new
well-drained, gritty compost four parts loam-based John Innes No 2,
two parts leaf mould and one part grit. The pots should be topped with grit
after planting. You must keep them shaded and moist, and dry them off in the
winter. 5.00
Haberlea hodopensis (Joe..?) says blue rock house on it 5.00
soil humusy, well drained and alkaline hardy African Violet
Planted by the big mossy rock in the dry stream. died
Gentiana depresso $ ?
adiantum aleuticum subpumilum $ 5.00
needs to be kept moist and likes a bit of dolomite lime
Total of VIRAGS $60.00
the rest of the plants from Royal Oak... not sure of the cost
Cotula hispida blue green foliage, yellow ball blooms
gravelly soil good drainage- planted in little rockery at front
by the red hens and chickens
Yarrow achillia 'Moonshine 18 to 24 full sun planted in the front bouelvard
garden next to the French lavender
Erysimum alheli (hybrid) 24-30 allow to dry between thorough waterings.
Wall flower growing by the front step. Excellent plant.

April 29, 2018
Was to Cannor and got a membership,
then bought 4 sarosas and 4 shubunkins at $4.99 each.
Got the 10% off the fish. total of $66.49.
They sell pea gravel there. I have 2 bags of pea gravel and one of sand.
this should work for putting the Rex Murfit saxifragias into a big off
white plastic pot.
Membership is $20.00 off a purchase of $100 or more. 15% off during birthday week.
No charge delivery with minimum purchase of $50.00.
total of $66.49

FRASER THIMBLE FARM - May 30, 2018 Total: $52.64
1. Trillium Ovatum native western white Trillium $12.00
transplanted by the water meter
2.Trillium erectum purple native height 20 - 30 cm $9.00
similiar to erectum but more purple color
transplanted in a pot, as this is the stinking trillium
Moved to the Magnolia bed with the rest 2019
3.Trillium luteum N.A. Native, fragrant, lemon scented $10.00
yellow flowers and attractively mottled leaves.
Prefers partial sun in humus rich well drained soil.
Transplanted by the water meter
4.Lilium pardalinum ssp. Vollmeri Vollmeri's Lily $12.00
hardy, showy native Lily has very showy crimson tipped
flowers with yellow centers spotted heavily with maroon.
Transplanted in the moss garden by the rhodo and the hill
of what I think is primula auricola.
Very pretty I thought it was a tulip. grew and blooms in May 2019
5.Rhodohypoxis bauri 'Lily Jean' died $6.00
low growing alpine with double sugary pink flowers in
late spring to late summer. Quickly forms a nice clump
in well drained soil. Full to part sun.

The pots on hand as at August 1, 2018
1 big off white ones in the bin at the back and 2 big white ones with plants in them
2 small off white ones with plants in them on the deck.
6 brown pots with little legs.
Plus the pink pots Big Pink Pot on the deck with heliotrope in it,
and tall black pots, and some small black pots.

Wildwood Outdoor Living (Cannor)
October 22, 2018
1 bag (12L) Pea Gravel $11.69
3 bags 20 kg Washed Sand 12.00
2 10 kg Mushroom manure 12.58
2 30 L Top Soil 30.58
1 50 L Container soil 17.99
Rhodo Oreotrephes pink to 10 ft.-by deck steps 11.69
1.6 kg bone meal
cone flower - by the garage jasmine 3.99
Iris Dutch Spring Mix 10 (Pond edges) 4.49
Crocus Mixed Colours 20 (Crocus field) 8.98
Cannor Club Coupon - 20.00
Sub Total: 99.88
GST 5.99
PST 2.89
Total: $108.76

December 10, 2018
Cannor Nursery
rhodo and azalea food 1.8 kg 11.04
bone meal 1.8 kg 11.04
2 - 50 L Fish Soil contains peat moss 28.88
4 L get up and grow potting soil 40.76
6 Tulip Curley Sue Purple fringed 3.59
10 Muscari Plumosum feather Hyacinth light purple 2.99
10 Crocus Spring Beauty Bontanique snow crocus 2.99 purple/white
4 - Hyacinth Miss Saigon purply pink 10 4.19
10 - Large flowering Crocus Purple 4 2.99
10 Muscari grape Hyacinth Big Smile blue 2.39
10 Dutch Iris Burgundy/gold 4.19
25 Anemone De Caen Blue Poppy Purple 4.79
GST 5.99
PST 1.97
Apparently the prices shown are my birthday week 15% off. They take 15% off
the original price not the sale price of anything. To get delivery on Friday..
the 14 or maybe on Tuesday which is their other delivery day.I can't shop there
any more. I always feel like I have been ripped off. I had to phone them back today.
She said she took the 15% off and the sale price of things is what shows on the till.
The bulbs were 40% off she said. I don't think so.

Garden purchases in 2019

VIRAGES show and Sale:

$5.00 to get in door and $36.00 for plants... So about $41.00

Saxifragia paniculata 'Dr. Clay' R.M. ... 'Doctor Clay' is a mat-forming, evergreen perennial forming rosettes of broadly linear, lime-encrusted, grey-green leaves and slender, arching stems bearing panicles of cup-shaped, white flowers in late spring and early summer. Planted in white pot with tufa rock $5.00

Saxifragia Lilac Time X Youngiani R.M cutting Big blossums on the short plant
(Saxifraga Porphyrion/Saxifraga 'Lilac Time') Planted in white pot with tufa rock $7.00

Daphne domini is 10 inches tall by 11 inches wide. growing on calcareous rocks, rocky slopes / evergreen / flowers do not open - cleistogamy / self-pollinating / always masses of orange fruits / hardy . Wonderful dwarf shrub about 15cm tall; linear leaves and pink tubular flowers followed by bright orange fruits.fruits. Sun/part shade. Colour: pink, April to June. Height: 10 – 30 cm, Shape: shrubby. Soil: scree trough. Origin: Europe.
Planted across the big rock from the other Daphne, in the little rockery at the back. $3.00

Delospermeum Sutherlandii Seedling (might be great or not) dwarf perennial plant, native to South Africa. forms a dense lawn with abundant, long-lasting flowering. Will reach sizes 60 cm Usually magenta with white eye -May 27/19: It is blooming and is magenta, lighter than the other one which is also in bloom in the back little rockery.

Omphalodes linifolia
Venus's Navelwort. Beautiful hardy annual, self sows. Likes sun and good drainage. White forget me not flowers in spring, blue-grey leaves. Planted in the cutting garden, I think $5.00

these 2 omphalodes have totally different leaves must plant them in pot and keep eye on them.
omphalodes ? blue it says and it is indeed blue. In the cutting garden I think. $5.00

Cardamine - looks purple. Might be in the plum tree stump garden.
Cardamine pentaphyllos (syn. Dentaria pentaphyllos), five-leaflet bitter-cress or showy toothwort, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae, native to Western and Central Europe in Slovenia and Croatia. It is an herbaceous perennial, growing to 30–50 cm (12–20 in), with palmate leaves and racemes of purple, pink or white flowers in late Spring and early Summer. Mine is half that size. There are also hardy annuals of this plant too. The Latin specific epithet pentaphyllos means "with five-lobed leaves. $4.00

Trillium chloropetalum - Giant Trillium, Giant Wake Robin, Wood Lily, Trinity Flower. Rich of a rose fragrance, Plant Height : 1 to 3 feet; Zones : 6, 7, 8, 9; Plant Width : 6 to 12 inches; Bloom Time : Early Spring ... T. chloropetalum var. giganteum is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial with stout stems each bearing three broadly ovate leaves and an erect, stalkless deep maroon flower 5-10cm in length. Moist but well-drained, Soil: Chalk, Loam, Sand, pH Acid, Neutral – Planted in the trillium bed/Magnolia bed and has survived as at May 27/19 $4.00

Plants purchased the end of March 2019 from Cannor.
They had all the plants you can pile on a tray for $20.00 It was pretty well cleaned out by the time I got there. Nevertheless, I got a few good plants. I planned to take them to the VIRAGS sale. but ended up only taking 3 of them, and had doubles of the ones I donated.
2 Alpine wall cress, gravely well drained soil, evergreen, ground cover, full sun
Arabis Ferdinaandi-coburgie "Old Gold" low carpet, 2 - 4 in., green and gold streaked leaves, small white flowers.
1 for the show and 1 planted in the plum stump bed
Basket of Gold Alyssum. They need full sun.
1 Basket of Gold Alyssum - full sun, sharp drainage, 8 - 10 tall x 12 -14 spread. Planted in the little rockery at the back.
2 Little Lemon Solidgo golden rod Dansolitem - sun, part shade, 12-16 high, x 12 - 14 in spread. Planted in the plum stump bed. 1 show and 1 mine.
2 Saponaria - Soapwort, ground cover, full sun. 8 - 10 in tall spread 24 in. drought tolerant once established. pink. Not sure where planted.
1 show and 1 mine.
1 Arenaria montana 'Avalanche - 2 - 4 in. x 10 - 12 in. spread. Average soil, well drained, full sun. Large white flowers in early summer. evergreen (not) mine will go into the little rockery at the back, if it grows. died
1 Corydalis, fragrant, blue - blooms intermittently Spring to Fall, Stems grow 15' long Edging, containers. Partial shade, cool moist, well drained. (blue) Going in a container with Trollius (globe flower) (golden) Planted in a small white pot on the deck with a globe flower. (died)
3 Asiatic Primrose Primula Sieboldii Spring bloom, part shade. 12 in tall, purplish with yellow center, fertile, well drained, cool temperatures. Planted the 3 of them in the primula bed (moss garden room)
2 Trollius Chinensis - Globeflower, 2 1/2" bowl-shaped golden yellow to orange flowers, blooms in Spring, 3 feet tall. Borders beside wet areas. moist soil, in area with morning sun and afternoon shade intolerant of heat. 1 for container on deck with Corydalis, and 1 in pot in the pond.. raise the pot a bit. There is a basket on the front shelf of the pond that holds a pot for the Trollius. Used a gallon pot.
1 Asclepias incarnata - white flowers, fragrant, clumping perennial upright stems, long seed pods release black seeds with silky tails. Blooms summer and fall. Moist well drained soil, low to moderate water once established. Butterflies like it Planted in the cutting garden adding lots of leaf compost, from the old compost bin. Dig a deep hole and fill it with compost. keep it well watered this summer.
1 Asclepias incarnata 'soulmate' pink, full sun, 40 inches x 12'' spread. Do not allow soil to dry out. Cutting garden, Same as above. 1 Verbascum temptress purple, 38 - 45 cm 15 - 18 inches. full sun. Brown Pot with Pink Veronica and Pink thread leaf coreopsis.
1 Verbascum phoeniceum 'violetta' Violetta Mullein beautiful cut flower, spikes of deep purple violet flowers self seeding perennial, blooms all summer if dead headed, 3 feet tall. well drained soil, full sun cutting garden.
1 Heuchera Carnival Rose Grantia - part shade to shade. Allow soil to dry between waterings, red/brown leaves. 10 - 12 inches. blossoms are probably white. Planted on the observation platform by the pond.
1 Cascade blue Aubretia. Full sun - 3 - 4" tall x 10 - 12 spread. Soil to dry between waterings. Front rockery by other one.
1 Gypsophila 'Pink Fairy' paniculata, double large pink flowers, good cut flower, fresh or dried, 1 - 18 in x 24 - 36 Average well drained, full sun cutting garden
2 Veronica spicata - sun, party shade, 12" high and 12"wide, keep well watered 'red fox', pink spikes 1 in cutting garden, 1 in pot with Verbascum and pink coreopsis
2 Pink Coreopsis 'American Dream' - June - Sept. thread leaf coreopsis, 12 - 18 in. tall and wide. Soil moist, full sun. 1 cutting garden, 1 in pot with Verbascum and pink Veronica.
2 Aquilegia 'Nora Barlow' columbine full sun to partial shade Cutting garden
2 Aquilegia Black Barlow cutting garden
1 Columbine in bigger pot... no name on it... is in cutting garden.
30 plants actually, for the $20.00
Got a Mossy Saxifragia from new stock and it is planted in the little rockery at the back, in full bloom with red flowers.

Mr. Grocer June 12th Lewisia Cotyledon 'Rainbow' $6.00 There are 2 plants in the pot, both in bloom, 1 pink/orange, the other is golden/yellow Am going to put them in a pot on the deck
Creatures Great and Small August 24, 2019 - 6 small fish
Creatures great and small pet store and got 6 fish. 2 browny gold ones, 1 light gold (white), 2 sarasa looking ones (orange spots on white, 1 gold with white bottom. 6 fish for $25.48
2 of these fish were regular price of $1.50 the other 4 were a 'special order' because I asked for this or that one, at $3.50 each Bloody hell. There was a sign way up on the wall behind me stating something about this. Total of $19.00 is still reasonable compared to the $4.99 each fish at the Broadmead shop. I might get shubunkins there. There is a gold one with black and white on its tail. The light gold looked white under the store lights. When I put them in the pond, one of the white with gold ones was leaping right out of the water. I thought it was enjoying the leap. They seemed to be settling down after a few hours. These fish might be 1 1/2 inches long. Sure hope they grow some before winter.
The water hawthorn seems to be recovering with a couple of new green leaves.

Michell Farms:
Hornwort $3.50-

More Hornwort very expensive - $12.00

August 31, 2019
Pets West at Broadmead, got 4 little shubunkins, calico shubunkins because of the colors; and some smaller pellets of fish food. Not sure how much the fish cost as I did not get an itemized bill.
Total $25.48. 4 fish at $5.00 each plus the food and tax, I suppose. Very expensive fish, for the size of them. I do not see any of my fish. So, they are not floating on top so I guess that is good.

Garden purchases in 2020

Borden Mercantile: February 21, 2020
1 bag of #3 chicken grit about 50 lbs. $7.64

Country Grocer: March 3, 2020
Lupinus Gallery Blue - going into cutting garden $4.00
Ranunculas bright - going into the cutting garden $4.00

Country Grocer: March 6, 2020
Lupinus Gallery Blue - going into cutting garden $3.00
Scabiosa Butterfly Blue going into cutting garden $3.00
Ranunculas lovely going into cutting garden $4.00

June 14, 2020
Canadian Tire
Gloves 3 pair cotton 7.00

Peat Moss 10L 7.00
Gold Fish Comets 2 - 3" Four (4) 12.00
Heliotrope 4" 5.00
Tax 3.00
Total: $34.00

September 29, 2020
Wildwood outdoor living (Cannor)
potting soil 2 bags 7.99 each 20 liters each 15.98
1 bag of Peat Moss 20 liters 11.99 see above for 10L $7.00
Mushroom Manure 2 bags 10 kg each 4.99 each 9.98
Pea gravel 1 bag 12 L 12.99
Washed Sand 1 bag 20 kg 6.99
Fish Food 17.6 oz bag 24.99
gloves 9.99
3 pots of thyme 3.99 each 11.97
2 wildwood memberships 50.00
10% discount 10.49
Sub total 144.39
Gst 7.22
PST 2.64
Total: 154.25\par
I am to get $25.00 back in cash in my delivery Real Total: $129.25
because they charged me twice for the membership.

November 12, 2020
Peninsula Landscape Supplies Ltd.
40 lb bag of stone - 1 inch size black lava rock: $22.39

Garden purchases in 2021

EBay Spilway Delivered sometime in Jan.2021 $75.13 CAD $58.80 usd
- 8 in waterfall Spillway - Pond Boss

March 29, 2021
Lowes - 15 - 8" X 16" grey patio slabs $48.55

April 4, 2021
Borden Mercantile
Pumice $14.69

May 25. 2021
Petunias, marigolds bacopa? 8.07
marigolds 6 pk. 4.49
Phlox Moss Phlox 'Early Bird' 11.69
4 Perennials - Corsican mint,
veronica, soapwort, and ? 17.96
Container soil 50L 17.99
Sea Soil 32L 7.19
4 washed Sand 25.16
3 Pea gravel 35.07
coupon -20.00
6 tomato cages 33' 21.54
Sub total 129.26
GST 7.46
PST 6.22
TOTAL $142.84
One of the sand bags was open and seemed to have lost some sand
and I seem to be missing a perennial.

June 7, 2021
4 2 - 3 inch commets. 2 white 2 gold $14.36
crystal clear D-Solv 2 lbs (Algae control) $35.99
3 herbs - basil, dill, parsley $10.77
6 pkg of snapdragons $ 4.49
GST 3.28
PST 3.84
Total: $72.73

June 18, 2021
Elk Lake Garden Center
1 dill $ 3.99
1 osteospermum (African Daisy) annual $ 3.99
2 red creeping thyme $ 7.98
1 Ice Plant Jewel of the Desert
Delosperma hybrid red. $ 3.99
1 Campanula Deep Blue Chips
Carthpathian bell flower $ 3.99
1 heliotrope $ 3.99 $27.93
PST 1.68
GST 1.40
TOTAL: $31.01

July 2, 2021
Creatures great and small
4 feeder gold fish at 1.50 each $ 6.00
2 shubunkins about 3- 4 inches 9.99 $19.98
GST 1.30
PST 1.82
TOTAL: $29.10

July 5, 2021
Lowes 850 Langford Parkway250 4786680
Craftsman oscillating sprinkler $11.99
scotts metal 3 arm sprinkler 27.99
GST 2.00
PST 2.80
TOTAL $44.78

Garden purchases in 2022

March 22, 2022
Borden Mercantile 250 479 2084
Orchard Bark $ 6.99
2 potting soil 28(9.99 each) $19.98
1 top soil $ 6.99
2 #3 Grit @ 25.32 (50 lbs) $50.64
PST .49
GST 4.23
TOTAL $89.32

May 10, 2022 Satin Flower Nursery, 741 Haliburton Road
Ribes sanguineum - Red Flowering Currant $15.00
1 gallon pot. By cedars in front.
Olsynium douglasii - Satin Flower - 10 cm $ 8.00
In the moss garden by the hosta
Lathyrus japonica - Beach Pea - 10 cm. $ 8.00
In the front by the fern leaf peony
GST (5%) $ 1.56
PST (7%) $ 2.17
TOTAL $34.72

July 20, 2022
Cannor Nursery/Wildwood Outdoor Living
Hebe Raspberry Ripple $16.99
- in front of the water meter
Rhubarb, Victoria $ 12.99
- behind the old garage
Sicilian Mint $ 4.99
GST 1.75
PST 1.54
TOTAL: $38.26

September 19, 2022
Cannor Nursery/Wildwood Outdoor Living
Wildwood Membership. $25.00
Pond Fish food Granulated 1000 ml $22.49
(2)Washed Sand 20 kg $14.38
(2) Fish Soil 50 L regular 19.99 @$17.99 $35.98
Iris Dwarf JS Dyt (10) $ 8.09
2 Crocus Sativus(10)Saffron Crocus-FallBloom $16.18
2 perennials Phlox sublata pink & Sempervivum (Tectorum) red $ 8.98
Lettuce $ 5.39
Perennial Lewisia Elise (mixed colors) $11.69
____________ GST 7.41
PST 5.73
TOTAL: $161.32

Garden purchases in 2023

February 17, 2023
Canadian Tire BROKEN
Solar Fountain
diameter 7". Height:1 3/4"
max water spray height: 11 1/16" $37.99
(smaller than the first one.
GST 1.90
PST 2.66
Total: $42.55

VIRAGS show and sale
April 22, 2023
Rosemary, Trailing, Roman Beauty $ 2.00
Geranium reinardii - might be hybrid
'Terre Franche' with purple flowers veins - violet $ 5.00
Omphalodes cappadocica 'starry eyes' $10.00
plus entry donation - died $ 5.00
Total: $22.00

Horticultural Centre of the Pacific
April 29, 2023
Phlox paniculata 'David' white Total: $12.00

Mr. Grocer
May 4, 2023
Basil $6.00
Strawberry plant $3.00
Garlic Chives $2.70
Parsley $2.70
Tarragon $2.70
Total: ___________ $17.10

June 3, 2023
Plantaholics at Brentwood Bay Nursery
Centaurium Scilloides - tiny pink flowers (died) $5.00

June 6, 2023
Wildwood outdoor living (Canor) 250 658 5415
eichhornia Crassipes (Water Hycinth) $ 7.19
Water clover (Marsilea mutica) (invasive plant threw it out) $15.29
Primula vivalli $15.29
2 4"perenials - Dodecatheon Queen Victoria $ 4.49
- Verbena Rigia $ 4.49
1 4" annual - Wallflower (Erysimum hybrid) $ 4.49
Gold fish food, baby pellets - 300g $ 17.09
TOTAL: $76.53

June 6, 2023, 250 382 3329
Creatures Great & Small - 770 Bay Street
4 goldfish (2 and Elvis were killed in the cleaned out water tub
and the hyacinth was ripped up. 2 went into the pond. While
cleaning out the pond, I caught one of them and put it in the tub)

August 17, 2023
Wildwood outdoor living (Canor) 250 658 5415
Sera Koi Royal Mini Fish food 3000g $34.99
GST 1.75
PST 2.45
Total: $39.19

September 20, 2023
Wildwood outdoor living (Canor) 250 658 5415
20 pack of Rainbow mix colors tulips $17.09
10 J.S. Dyt Dwarf Iris $ 8.09
Annual 6 pack $ 5.39
GST:$1.53 PST $2.14 == TOTAL $34.24

Garden purchases in 2024

April 28, 2024
Country Grocery ______________________________ $ 6.99

May 9, 2024
Country Grocery
Cosmos (white) 6 pack $3.99
6 pkg lettuce 3.99
Delosperma Jewel of desert 3.67
Dill 2.97
Marigolds 6 pkg 3.99
PST .82
GST .93

Wildwood Outdoor Living (Cannor)
Perennial 4 at $4.49 $20.12
Verbena bonariensis
Saxifraga x andrewsii (shade)
English Lavender
Heliotrope charged as perennial
GST .90
PST 1.26

Buckerfield's 1970 Keating Xroad
Roundup Weed and Grass 1 Litre $24.99
Gilmore Brass 2 way Shutoff 11.97
4" Herb Parsley 3.99
3.5" veggie garlic chives 1.99
GST 2.15
PST 2.59
Total ________________________$47.68

Canadian Tire - June 23
Trowel $ 9.99
42" tomatoe cages (2) 15.99
Rhodo food 10.99
2 pairs cotton gloves 4.99
GST 2.10
PST 2.17
TOTAL ___________________
(br> August 8, 2024
Country Grocer
6 pkg of lettuce: apx. $4.00

August 10, 2024
HCP plant sale
Phlox paniculata 'laura' pink $12.00
plus apx Tax 1.37
TOTAL: $13.37

Creatures - The stinky plant place
2 medium gold fish (no shubunkins) $6.25
outrageous price. I'll not be back.

August 20, 2024
Cannor (Wildwood)
3 tomato cages (6.29 each) TOTAL: 21.13

August 20, 2024
Canadian Tire
2 Cool White 40 watts 48 in.Flourescent tubes $14.99 TOTAL:$34.47

September 20, 2024
Hort center of the Pacific
Membership: $45.00
Asclepia Curassavica and
Achilles millefolium 'Red Velvet' $21.15
TOTAL: $66.15

Garden purchases in 2025

January 15, 2025
Larix Landscaping $

Continue on to Journal Entries for 2024

Back to Journal Entries for 2023
Continue with Annual Journal Entries as below:

Annual Gardening pages

January - we occasionally get snow.
February - more rain, and some bulbs up
March - first spring bulbs blooming
April - rock plants blooming, grass needs mowing, fruit trees blooming
May - the garden is in full swing
June - lovely warm days of medium temperatures and roses in bloom
July - we need to water a lot in the summer as we do not often get rain.
August - the Fall perennials starting to bloom and fruit is ripening
September - harvest time in the vegetable garden and time to plant the winter garden
October - glorious fall colors and sunsets, fruit ripening and rains begin again
November - sometimes a lovely month with the Fall colors and warm rains
December - more rain, the garden is mostly greens and browns, very peaceful.
Water and Japanese Gardening - I built my pond with its 8 - 9 foot diameter
Fruit and Vegetables - grapes, figs, pears, apples, plums, and vegtables
Garden paths and Garden art - I have converted most of the lawn to gardens and paths
Rock and
Alpines - I have a few small alpines in various spots around the garden
Woodland garden - I am trying to establish a few indigenous plants in this area.
Indoor gardening - orchids, cacti, African violets
Bugs - butterflies, birds, animals
From the
Market - photos of bought produce or flowers
At the
Show - there are a number of gardeing shows I attend annually
Mushrooms, lichens
Boquets - Creating flower arrangements for the house and for show is an
added benefit for creatativity as well as visual satisfaction.
Miscellaneous - in case I cannot decide where something belongs
Annual Journal Notes - This is the first page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2012 when I began to keep my garden notes on my computer. See the bottom of this first page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2013 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2013 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2014 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2014 from my garden journal. See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2015 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2015 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2016 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2016 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2017 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2017 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2018 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2018 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2019 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2019 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2020 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2020 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2021 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2021 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2022 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2022 from my garden journal . See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2023 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2023 from my garden journal. See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2024 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2024 from my garden journal. See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2025 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2025 from my garden journal. See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Annual Journal Notes 2026 - This is the page of the annual Journal Notes excerpts beginning in 2026 from my garden journal. See the bottom of this page to go to the Journal Notes for the next year.
Outline of the garden changes - This is the first page of a series of three giving a tour of the my garden.
A description of the garden rooms - This is the second page of a series of three giving a tour of the my garden, and showing the creation of the garden rooms as well as some of the renovations over the years.
Annual Garden changes photo albums The third page of the series will be annual photo albums of the changes in the garden for the year, beginning in 2009.

Annual Photo Albums

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No part of this website, including graphics, text and design
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the author.

Created: January 15, 2021
Last revised: January 15, 2025